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Today i filed my tax return with CRA , now I want to start working on my wife's return. how do I get started

1 Reply

Today i filed my tax return with CRA , now I want to start working on my wife's return. how do I get started

To start a new return for your spouse, please follow the directions below.

  • Sign-in to your account
  • In the left side menu click on My Returns then click on Start a new return
  • Then Choose the right TurboTax Online product for you
  • You are now in a new return for your spouse

If you were doing a spousal return (both returns simultaneously), please follow the directions in our TurboTax FAQ below.

How do I prepare a spousal or coupled return in TurboTax Online?

To find your wife's return, you can go in the left menu under My Info to see your wife's information and continue from there.


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