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I bought the deluxe to be able to share the 8 returns with family and didn't realize you can only use one account? How does this work as I don't want to buy it again?

3 Replies

I bought the deluxe to be able to share the 8 returns with family and didn't realize you can only use one account? How does this work as I don't want to buy it again?

Once you use the activation code, it is tied to one account. You can still let other family members create returns, but you would have to give them access to the account. 

New Member

I bought the deluxe to be able to share the 8 returns with family and didn't realize you can only use one account? How does this work as I don't want to buy it again?

I purchased premier this year and thought I could share with my family. If I give them my account info.. will there be verification codes sent?

I’m out of the country and don’t want to incur the costs of turning on my phone each time someone uses the code. The disc version was so much easier.

I bought the deluxe to be able to share the 8 returns with family and didn't realize you can only use one account? How does this work as I don't want to buy it again?

@barb8439 The verification codes will be sent to the phone number that is tied to your account.