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Where in turbo tax is the pension optimizer? I did not see where to select this option

3 Replies

Where in turbo tax is the pension optimizer? I did not see where to select this option

Here’s how to get to the Pension Splitting Optimizer if you're using TurboTax Online:

Click on the “Find” icon (magnifying glass) in the top right and search for “pen”. Select “Pension Split with your Spouse” and then click the “Go” button.

Click “Use Pension Splitting Optimizer” to start the optimizer.


If you are using TurboTax Free Online, the Pension Splitting Optimizer is not available. You can still split your pension, but you would have to calculate the amount you want to split yourself.

Where in turbo tax is the pension optimizer? I did not see where to select this option

The program does not respond to that request.  Please research, clarify and respond.


Where in turbo tax is the pension optimizer? I did not see where to select this option

Also, what is the "Go" button, which does not show up anywhere.