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2024 Turbo Tax Not Working Error Code 603

Can you let us know what weblink is that was in the box? 


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2024 Turbo Tax Not Working Error Code 603

I have used the program for over 30 years and done hundreds of returns as a volunteer.

I bought the Premier edition from Costco Calgary. When I entered my licence code it gave me an error message indicating the code was invalid. However, it then allowed me to import last years data and start the 2024 return. When I try to start a second return it is requiring me to buy an online package. The premier edition covers 12 returns (tho customer service thought it only covered 5).  I cant import the data for a second return as the Tool Box menu which should be on the left hand side doesn't appear. 


Was on the line with customer service for an hour but she had no ideas what so ever. Sent me a link to help which won't open. (I had already checked it out in any event.) Her supervisor had no idea either. Cant transfer me to technical support as "it isn't a technical issue". 


The only advice I was given, repeatedly, was to pay TurboTax to complete the returns for me! 


Any ideas??