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Canada Child Care Benefit

When I look in the summary to determine CCB total it doesn't match what I get when I use the CRA benefit calculator and there is a substantial difference from 2023 Turbo Tax edition used last year with identical info child.  Is this a calculation defect in Turbo Tax 2024?

1 Reply

Canada Child Care Benefit

I would recommend double checking the information you've entered into TurboTax to see if that's what affecting the CCB estimate.


If everything you've entered is correct, please contact our phone support team at 1-888-829-8608 as they will be better able to assist you. They can look at the return with you to see what's going on.


During tax season (from CRA NETFILE opening (mid-February) to the regular filing deadline (April 30), we're available 7 days a week during these hours:

  • 9 AM to midnight ET for English support
  • 9 AM to 9 PM ET for French support

During the rest of the year (May 1 to mid-February), we're available Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 6 PM ET for English and French support.