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EI exempt


   I am EI exempt and if under T-4 slips if I check or un check the EI exempt box nothing happens to my refund or amount owing.  If I click EI exempt then press save re open the t-4 form and click not exempt nothing changes if i have zero in the EEI box of the t4 form and go from exempt to not exempt the amount should change.  I have tested this over the last few years and the bug is there for all years


please advise


4 Replies

EI exempt

At this time, some CRA forms are still being reviewed by them for the 2024 tax season, which could explain why some calculations are not done correctly or do not appear. As soon as they are ready, TurboTax will be updated accordingly.

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EI exempt


  I don't think you are correct.  I have loaded up the last 3 years of the software and the bug is still there, looks like it has been missed for awhile


EI exempt

Are you using a TurboTax Desktop version or a TurboTax Online version?


If you are using TurboTax Online, when you enter the information of your T4, you select EI Exempt and you click "Save and Continue". Then, on the Summary page of the T4s, you will have an extra question to answer (see screenshot). You have to answer "YES". But, as it saying in the question, you must have registered online in 2024 or earlier with Canada Employment Insurance Commission to participate in the EI Program




EI exempt

I am using the Desktop Versions