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Foreign Tax Paid on Employment Income outside Canada

I have a problem with linking the Foreign Tax paid to forms T2209 (Fed Foreign Tax Credit) and T2036 (Ont. Foreign Tax Credit) in Turbotax Premium. The Foreign Tax paid amount is showing zero on lines 43100 and consequently on line 1 of T2036.


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Foreign Tax Paid on Employment Income outside Canada

Fill out the T2209 tax form, for Federal Foreign Tax Credits. If the amount of the federal credits you can claim is equal to the foreign non-business tax you paid, your provincial or territorial tax credit will be zero.

What if I paid tax in several countries?

If the amount of tax you paid is more than $200, you must complete a T2036 form for each country. In that case, you will not be able to use the NETFILE service to submit your return. You will have to print and mail your tax return to the CRA.

Can anybody use the provincial foreign tax credit form?

It does not apply to Manitoba residents who are subject to minimum tax or to Québec residents.

For more information, please consult the CRA – Provincial and territorial foreign tax credits.

If you require further assistance please contact our phone support team or contact us directly on Facebook or Twitter

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Foreign Tax Paid on Employment Income outside Canada

Fill out the T2209 tax form, for Federal Foreign Tax Credits. If the amount of the federal credits you can claim is equal to the foreign non-business tax you paid, your provincial or territorial tax credit will be zero.

What if I paid tax in several countries?

If the amount of tax you paid is more than $200, you must complete a T2036 form for each country. In that case, you will not be able to use the NETFILE service to submit your return. You will have to print and mail your tax return to the CRA.

Can anybody use the provincial foreign tax credit form?

It does not apply to Manitoba residents who are subject to minimum tax or to Québec residents.

For more information, please consult the CRA – Provincial and territorial foreign tax credits.

If you require further assistance please contact our phone support team or contact us directly on Facebook or Twitter