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Form T776 Line 9369 Co-owner net income override

I have entered information in Part 2, the co-owner section, including their percentage of ownership (50%).  
I fill out the form and at line 9369 it gives me a total.  It then says, on the next line, "Co-owners: calculate your share of net income from line 9369.  Enter your result on amount 2.  TT has automatically inserted the line 9369 value (100%), not the 50% which would be my share.

So now I need to F2 override and do this manually, however TT now tells me I can't Netfile if I do this.

This seems ridiculous.  It updates my partners Share of net income/loss in Part 2.

1 Reply

Form T776 Line 9369 Co-owner net income override

Have you entered your own percentage of partnership? You also need to select either Partnership or Co-ownership for who owns the property.