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Getting this error message 95005

Message from the CRA:

CRA Result Code: 84
#95005 - One of the following situations applies to your return. Please verify your entries and make the necessary corrections.


1. Your return has a date of entry indicating that you were an immigrant to Canada, or a date of departure indicating that you were an emigrant. To accurately calculate your world income, the Canada Revenue Agency needs to know your Canadian sourced and your foreign sourced income earned when you were not a resident of Canada. If these net incomes are zero, indicate this on your return as instructed by your software.


2. You have reported an amount for Canadian sourced and/or foreign sourced income earned when you were not a resident of Canada. To indicate you were an immigrant to Canada, or an emigrant, you must enter a date of entry or a date of departure in your software. Otherwise, remove these amounts of income from your return.


3. The year in the immigration or emigration date on your return does not equal to the current tax year. You can only report this date on your return if you immigrated or emigrated in the current tax year.Your tax return has not been accepted by the Canada Revenue Agency. It contains errors that must be corrected. Please review the following error(s), make the necessary corrections, and try resubmitting your return. For forms or additional information, visit the Canada Revenue Agency website and the Corrections page on the NETFILE website. For further assistance, please contact us.
2 Replies

Getting this error message 95005

Please make sure to check if you are using any locked forms that might be preventing to Netfile. 


Thanks for choosing TurboTax. 

New Member

Getting this error message 95005

Following. Had this same issue can't find a solution as of right now.