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Hello. I am looking to add Releve to my tax file. Where can I do this?

I need to add details from Releve to my tax file. I reside in Alberta, where can I do this?
8 Replies

Hello. I am looking to add Releve to my tax file. Where can I do this?

Which Releve are you trying to add? Is it a Releve 1? Did you work in Quebec? 


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Hello. I am looking to add Releve to my tax file. Where can I do this?

I have a similar issue, my Quebec-based employer, and my RRSP provider have both remitted taxes to Revenu Quebec in 2023 - how do I get those taxes transferred to Alberta? 

Hello. I am looking to add Releve to my tax file. Where can I do this?

Please follow the steps in the images below to add your information.
Sign in to your account and enter your return.

Click on Continue to save your change.

When entering your T4 information, scroll to the bottom of the page to reach Box E.
Enter the amount from Box E of your RL-1 in the field marked Québec tax deducted from your Relevé 1 slip (Non-resident of Québec).


Click on Save and Continue.
On the next screen, click on Done with T4.

Thank you for using TurboTax.

Hello. I am looking to add Releve to my tax file. Where can I do this?

Ok, that worked! One other thing however - I have an RL-2 for Revenu Quebec as well - how do I add that? Do I just add the Box E from both forms, and put them into my return? Thank you. 

Hello. I am looking to add Releve to my tax file. Where can I do this?

Did you receive a T4A?


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

Hello. I am looking to add Releve to my tax file. Where can I do this?

No, I have a T4, and a T4RSP, nothing that says "T4A"

Hello. I am looking to add Releve to my tax file. Where can I do this?

Note - these are not RRSP contributions made by - or matched by my employer - they are directed from my own contributions, and deducted from my salary + bonuses

Hello. I am looking to add Releve to my tax file. Where can I do this?

We asked because the RL2 you mentioned having is usually the equivalent to the T4A. You may wish to contact the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) by calling 1-800-959-8281 to verify how to include the RL2 in your return as it is not clear in our available instructions.


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