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I have CCA depreciation left of $2112 for a car I used for employment. I sold that car. I bought a new car. How do I remove the old car and add the new car to CCA?

The car I sold I received only $300 for. Yet I have UCC of $2112. Can I claim the $2112?
2 Replies

I have CCA depreciation left of $2112 for a car I used for employment. I sold that car. I bought a new car. How do I remove the old car and add the new car to CCA?

Are you using TurboTax Desktop or TurboTax Online? What class is the old car & the new car?




I have CCA depreciation left of $2112 for a car I used for employment. I sold that car. I bought a new car. How do I remove the old car and add the new car to CCA?

Hi.  I am using TurboTax Desktop.  My old and new cars are both Class 10.

Thanks for any help you can supply.

