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Northern Living Deduction glitch

@User 87 Our teams are working to resolve this issue but to help them collect all the information they need, we invite our customers to contact product support to report it. 
Product support team has access to some tools, we don't have here in this Community and escalate technical issues, if needed, to the proper TurboTax team.



New Member

Northern Living Deduction glitch

Same issue.  Very annoying.  

Northern Living Deduction glitch

@Paul709 We suggest you to contact our product support team by phone. They have access to tools we don't have here in Community, like screenshare, and see the issues to escalate into an investigation if needed.
Feel free let us know what the result was. 

Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

New Member

Northern Living Deduction glitch

Same issue here.  Please fix without forcing users to have to all call in with the same problem and get frustrated with AI.

Northern Living Deduction glitch

TurboTax Online was updated today. Please clear your browser cache (or use a different browser) and try again.