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Previous Year Returns not available for 2022, 2023

I filed with turbo tax expert for the past two years, and copies of my returns are not available on the portal, only the ones I filed myself for previous years. I can't find any way to contact anyone, no phone, no email


Can anyone help?

1 Reply

Previous Year Returns not available for 2022, 2023

Do you have more than one username? If so, your returns might be in another account.


If you would like to contact our phone support team, you can call them at 1-888-829-8608.


During tax season (from CRA NETFILE opening (mid-February) to the regular filing deadline (April 30), we're available 7 days a week during these hours:

  • 9 AM to midnight ET for English support
  • 9 AM to 9 PM ET for French support

During the rest of the year (May 1 to mid-February), we're available Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 6 PM ET for English and French support.