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Can't Netfile error code #2226 (marital status does not show as married despite being marked that way)
I spent hours trying to find where I made the mistake but came up with nothing and my account is now locked.
I believe issue is with CRA.
Please let us know when this is resolved.
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Can't Netfile error code #2226 (marital status does not show as married despite being marked that way)
I was told by Intuit tech support that it is CRA error and to attempt to file once per day until they fix it.
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Can't Netfile error code #2226 (marital status does not show as married despite being marked that way)
J’ai le même problème. Que devons-nous faire pour régler le problème…
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Can't Netfile error code #2226 (marital status does not show as married despite being marked that way)
I had the same issue but was able to successfully Netfile eventually by modifying Schedule 6 in Turbo Tax. My solution likely won't apply to everyone but may help those who are in the same situation as my wife and I. For those of you where family net income exceeds the applicable limit such that you aren't eligible to claim a Canada Worker Benefit credit try going to "Forms>Schedule 6" and manually change the answer on line 38102 "are you claiming the basic CWB credit?" from "yes" to "no". Once I did that and saved the file I was able to successfully Netfile both my wife's and my returns. Despite having originally used Easy Steps and correctly answering all questions in our profiles, and double checking all forms for both our returns I was convinced the Netfile rejection error for my wife's return is a software error, either with TurboTax or CRA's Netfile. I then reviewed how Schedule 6 was completed for us in TurboTax2021 (neither of our returns was rejected) and determined that despite answering all profile questions the same way last year, line 38101 in Schedule 6 in 2021 was set to "no" (i.e. not claiming a credit) for both of us. I don't recall answering any profile question in either year asking if we wanted to claim the credit. So it appears (but I haven't been able to confirm 100%) that in 2021 Turbotax automatically determined we wouldn't claim the credit and indicated so on Schedule 6 but in 2022 Turbotax automatically determined that my wife would claim the credit and indicated so on her Schedule 6 (and the form appears to be completed correctly) but I would not. The only difference is my wife can claim the disability tax credit. Only my wife's initial 2022 return was rejected by Netfile (error 2226) until I manually revised her Schedule 6. Hope this helps at least some Turbotax users!
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Can't Netfile error code #2226 (marital status does not show as married despite being marked that way)
J’ai essayer la solution de Mikettx59 et ça a fonctionné.
Thank Mikettx59 for your solution
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Can't Netfile error code #2226 (marital status does not show as married despite being marked that way)
Many thanks @mikettx57 ! This worked for me. My wife also is eligible for the disability credit. I wonder if this is a combination that breaks the system.
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Can't Netfile error code #2226 (marital status does not show as married despite being marked that way)
Oops! A correction to my previous post. The proposed solution to avoid Netfile error 2226 for those who don't qualify for the Canada Workers Benefit credit is still the same - manually change line 38102 in Schedule 6 from "yes" to "no" - but my explanation regarding 2021 Turbotax vs 2022 Turbotax is incorrect. In 2021, Turbotax indicated on line 38102 in Schedule 6 on my wife's return (who claims the disability tax credit) "yes" she was claiming the basic CWB credit but it also indicated on line 38101 she DIDN'T have an eligible spouse, which isn't true since I am an eligible spouse according CRA criteria. Since her net income (disability) exceeded the threshold she wasn't eligible for the credit but was able to successfully Netfile. In 2022, Turbotax indicated on line 38102 on my wife's return that "yes" she was claiming the basic credit and DID have an eligible spouse and the rest of the form was filled in correctly, again resulting in no claim since net income exceeded the threshold, but Netfile was unsuccessful. Changing 38102 to "no" on her return allowed her Netfile successfully. Hope this helps anyone trying to diagnose the root cause of the issue. For those who don't qualify for the credit and just want to be done with it and Netfile their return, just change 38102 to "no".
Sorry for any inconvenience!
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Can't Netfile error code #2226 (marital status does not show as married despite being marked that way)
Much appreciated! Glad it worked for you!
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Can't Netfile error code #2226 (marital status does not show as married despite being marked that way)
Glad to hear it worked for you! Not sure if it is the disability credit that breaks the system. Would have to see if others who aren't eligible for DTC have the same error code 2226. I'll let TurboTax and CRA figure it out. But for now I'm done with taxes again this year. Hope your are too!
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Can't Netfile error code #2226 (marital status does not show as married despite being marked that way)
Glad to hear it worked for you! Not sure if it is the disability credit that breaks the system. Would have to see if others who aren't eligible for DTC have the same error code 2226. I'll let TurboTax and CRA figure it out. But for now I'm done with taxes again this year. Hope you are too!