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CRA Result Code 32

I migrated to Canada in March of 2023. This is the first time I am filing taxes but I keep receiving the error code below saying it is not my first time. I applied for Canada Child Benefits last month and it asked me about income from my home country from 2021 and 2022 on the form. I submitted the form to CRA so I don't know if that counts as filing taxes. Should I answer No when it asks if I am a first time filer? 



Error Message: Our records indicate you are not filing an income tax return for the first time with the Canada Revenue Agency. Please go back in your software and ensure you do not identify yourself as someone who is filing an income tax return for the first time and submit your tax return again.

11 Replies

CRA Result Code 32

Error code 32 is a social insurance number (SIN) 

  1. The dependant’s SIN is not valid.
  2. The dependant’s SIN and your client’s or their spouse’s or common-law partner’s SIN are the same.

If they are saying that you have filed a return previously and you haven't, please reach out to the CRA at 1-800-959-8281 so that they can advise you what to do.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.on 

New Member

CRA Result Code 32

I entered correct SIN for my spouse still it is showing same error code.

CRA Result Code 32

@ketul6363 Are you using TurboTax CD/Download or TurboTax Online?

CRA Result Code 32

Mine does not say anything about the SIN in the error code. Just exactly what I copied in my question about me not being a first time filer. I did cross check the SIN for myself, spouse and child. All are correct but still getting the same error message.

CRA Result Code 32

Mine does not say anything about the SIN in the error code. Just exactly what I copied in my question about me not being a first time filer. I did cross check the SIN for myself, spouse and child. All are correct but still getting the same error message.

CRA Result Code 32

@Adekoks If you are using TurboTax Online, select File>[YOUR NAME]'s Canadian citizenship, and then answer NO to the question "Are you filing an income tax return with the CRA for the first time?".

CRA Result Code 32

@TurboTaxSusan that would be a lie as this is actually my first time filing an income tax return with CRA

CRA Result Code 32

Then you would either have to call the CRA and confirm with them whether you should answer Yes or No to that question, or print and mail your return.

New Member

CRA Result Code 32

@Adekoks  Same Issue and same facts with you (first time filer, arrived Canada Jan 2023 and applied for CCB). Were you able to resolve it? And how did you go about it?