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Returning Member

discount enquiry

I received an email link for a 20% discount for the purchase of turbo tax 2024 and I just wanted to make sure it was a valid email address. The senders email address was [email address removed] . Is this a phishing attempt or a legitimate address. Clicking on an unknown email link is risky from a security perspective. I don't know why Intuit doesn't simply provide a coupon number that a person can use on there readily known and recognized web site address?

5 Replies

discount enquiry

We just sent you a private message.

Returning Member

discount enquiry


discount enquiry

This is a lelgitimate email sent to you by TurboTax. Please note that this is for our desktop products only.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.



Returning Member

discount enquiry

Thanks for your help, I downloaded and installed the program today with no problems! I'll keep a record of that e-Mail so I don't end up going through the same confusion next year. It would be so much more secure and safer if Turbo Tax would simply send me a code which I could use when logging into my account on what I know to be their valid TurboTax website and simply purchase and download the program that way rather than clicking on a suspicious looking e-mail link! Thanks again!

discount enquiry

Thank you for your feedback, we value your opinion and have shared this information with the proper TurboTax team.

Thank you for choosing TurboTax.