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New Member

How do I get a refund on upgrading to live support?

I upgraded to live support to ask a question, and the person who called me was totally useless. I asked a simple question about carry over expenses/home office for self-employed, and why they would carry over. I asked where I would look for this on my 2023's filings, or if there was a threshold for income for them to be considered, etc. I was told they couldn't help me, and that was it. I had to do my own digging, to find the reason 

Do I need to call to deal with this? I should not have to pay for an upgrade when I wasn't even helped. And to be honest, I could barely understand the person I spoke to. 

3 Replies

How do I get a refund on upgrading to live support?

If you have a different email address than what is used for this account, can you please send me a private message so that I can verify more information? We cannot put any personal information here as it is a public forum. 


Thank you for choosing TurboTax. 

New Member

How do I get a refund on upgrading to live support?

When I try to I get this message...
"You have reached the limit for number of private messages that you can send for now. Please try again later."

I hit send once and got this message...

How do I get a refund on upgrading to live support?

I will send you a PM.