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Re: Why am I receiving emails about American taxes? I am not an American citizen, my address is in Canada, and I filed my Canadian taxes using Turbotax for 2018.

I am suddenly getting emails from the American TurboTax people.  It appears that I am no longer getting Canadian information.  I tried to get information on changing this, but had a lot of trouble.  When you get on to the website, it gives a couple of tax experts to talk with.  As soon as you select one, you are immediately transferred to the American support site.  There does not appear to be anyway to actually contact anyone on the Canadian information.  The phone number is for American support.  After a bunch of questions, they finally gave me the Canadian support phone number.... [phone number removed].      This is a new thing.  All the years I have been using TurboTax (back from when it was QuickTax), never had a problem like this.