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New Member

Sharing Turbo Tax Standard

I've been alternating purchasing Turbo Tax Standard with my dad for the last 5-10 years. Buying the software for install. 


One person buys the software, and shares the license key with the other, so we can both do our taxes. This year is the first year I've passed the information to him, and the key won't work for him. Are you no longer allowed to install the software on multiple computers? I do see how buying 8 returns linked to one computer makes any sense. The error is that it is already linked to another account. Is this new to 2024 Turbo tax?

3 Replies

Sharing Turbo Tax Standard

You can only use your TurboTax license code with one account. If you want to install TurboTax Desktop on a second computer, you would need to login using the same account where you originally used the code. Then, when you login, the code will already be there. You would just have to select it to continue.




error 608
New Member

Sharing Turbo Tax Standard

For this very reason I won't purchase turbotax  "8 returns" again. Too annoying to bother.

Sharing Turbo Tax Standard

@error 608 You can only use your TurboTax license code with one account and can Install up to 3 devices. If you want to install TurboTax Desktop on a second computer, you would need to login using the same account where you originally used the code. Then, when you login, the code will already be there. You would just have to select it to continue.