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TubroTax is requiring I upgrade to "Self-Employed" when I am not

I am not self employed.  Turbotax inputted all my income data from my CRA account.  This include my T3 from the bank where I have my investments.   I then hit next and it says I have to buy the self-employed version.  I am not self employed.  Why is my T3 info triggering this requirement?

1 Reply

TubroTax is requiring I upgrade to "Self-Employed" when I am not

If you've entered an amount from any of the boxes on the slips listed here, you have what the CRA considers to be self-employment or business income:

  • T4 slip: box 81, 82 or 83
  • T4A slip: box 20 or 48
  • T4A slip: box 28 and you answered Yes to the question Does the income declared in Box 028 consist of fees collected for services you provided? in TurboTax Online
  • T3 slip: box 24 (foreign business income)

If you have an amount in any of these boxes, TurboTax will ask additional questions to report the income as self-employment/business income. You only need to answer basic information, such as business name and address (can be your own), industry code, and fiscal period (Jan 01 to December 31). 


Please note, if you are using TurboTax Online and have rental income, you need to use TurboTax Online Self-Employed even if you don't need to fill out a self-employment form (T2125). 


If you are still not able to resolve this issue, please contact our phone support team at 1-888-829-8608.


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