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"We have detected errors on your tax return" that cannot be fixed.

I get an error that says "You performed one or more overrides that have made you return ineligible for NETFILE." It refers me to the "Loss" form, where there is an incorrect amount of $0.01 that is somehow generated by Turbotax that is not correct or true. I can't even amend it to zero, otherwise I won't be able to file through NETFILE. This has appeared on 3 different 2024 tax files that I am inputting, so obviously a system error. When will this be corrected please?       

Net Capital Losses Error #3.jpg







    Loss #1.jpgLoss #2.jpg

1 Reply

"We have detected errors on your tax return" that cannot be fixed.

We suggest you to contact our product support team by phone

They have access to tools we don't have here in Community, like screenshare, and see the issues to escalate into an investigation if needed.


The NETFILE service are now closed for the electronic filing of your return. CRA will re-open NETFILE service on Monday, February 24, 2025

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