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Will TT home&business product netfiling handle both the tax I owe to CRA for my self-employment income as well as the return of the GST $ I collected from my clients?

I am using TurboTax (TT) Home/Business product.  My husband is an employee filing T1, etc and I am self-employed providing vet services.  I am GST registered with CRA.  I filled up T2125 and under section 3B “professional income”, assume I filled $100K for line 8 (gross professional fees including GST collected).  Assume I filled $5K for line 9 (for GST collected).  By doing this under TT and completing/netfiling using TT, can I assume that I no longer need to go separately to CRA website to file a GST return (to return the $5K GST collected back to CRA)?  I am thinking that TT product is so good that it will handle  both the tax I owe to CRA for my self-employment income  as well as the return of the GST $ I collected from my clients on behalf of CRA.  Is that correct?

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Will TT home&business product netfiling handle both the tax I owe to CRA for my self-employment income as well as the return of the GST $ I collected from my clients?

Sorry, no. TurboTax can only handle income tax returns (T1 & T2). If you need to file a GST/HST return, you must do it through the CRA: