I played around and discovered a workaround.You have to use "CTRL" "F2" to override the CCA calculation, enter "0" value, and manually re-enter the CCA on prope...
Again, there should be separate CCA calculation on each individual properties, in this example, $1 on property 1 and 2 to offset the net income of $1 on both pr...
Both properties have net income. The CCA calculation creates a net loss on one property and offset the net income on the other property, thus the overall net in...
Form T776 of Turbo Tax calculated CCA on one property but not on the other, thus creating a net loss for one property and offset the net income on the other pro...
I can understand the overall net income is zero for the rental properties. However, CCA is calculated on one property and not on the other property. Is it allow...