You can claim the moving expense, but only against the income that comes with, such as bursaries, scholarship or grant.The rent is not part of the eligible expe...
You can simply enter the amount under each person's medical expense as a workaround (yours and your sisters) directly, instead of entering under the parent's an...
The type of income decides on which schedule the income from T5008 flow into.When "Invesment" is selected, it flows into line 12100 as an other invertment incom...
You can simply go to the T1 jacket, on line 21400 and see if that line is populated (an amount on that line is required in this case)The amount on line 21400 sh...
The watermark is simply there to prevent the tax return to be sent again my mail, after a successful Netfile transmission.
Please double check if your tax retur...