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Only one of my dependants shows up in the drop down for the medical expense receipts section. Do I just enter my second dependants receipts under my own name?

3 Replies

Only one of my dependants shows up in the drop down for the medical expense receipts section. Do I just enter my second dependants receipts under my own name?

Is the other dependant over 18? If so, there is a different place to put their medical expenses. This FAQ tells you how to enter medical expenses for dependants over 18 years of age:

Only one of my dependants shows up in the drop down for the medical expense receipts section. Do I just enter my second dependants receipts under my own name?

No, he is 10.  He is listed as one of my dependents.  But in the medical expense receipts section in the drop down only my son (17 yr old) and myself are options in the drop down to select for whom the medical receipt is for. Can I just list the medical receipts for him under my name?

Only one of my dependants shows up in the drop down for the medical expense receipts section. Do I just enter my second dependants receipts under my own name?

I have the exact same issue. Quite frustrating. Did you ever figure this out?