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Does Turbo Tax automatically enter the age tax credit into line 30100? If not, how do I do it?

4 Replies

Does Turbo Tax automatically enter the age tax credit into line 30100? If not, how do I do it?

Yes, it does enter the amount automatically, if you are eligible for it.

Does Turbo Tax automatically enter the age tax credit into line 30100? If not, how do I do it?

How is age amount calculated and what worksheet is it on. It is not on Worksheet for Return as it states in the T1 form.  A number just  added to line 30100 but I want to know how it is and where it can be calculated

Does Turbo Tax automatically enter the age tax credit into line 30100? If not, how do I do it?

How do I check the calculation on the age exemption.  T1 General says to check the worksheet but the worksheet only shows the calculation for line 30,000, not line 30,100.

I am 68 and net income on line 23,600 is less than $98,309 so the CRA guide says I should get the full age credit of $8,396 but TurboTax only enters $1,709.50 and won't show me how it comes up with that number.

How do I find out if Turbo Tax is correctly calculating the age credit correctly and why would it be so much less than what the T1 General form says it should be?

New Member

Does Turbo Tax automatically enter the age tax credit into line 30100? If not, how do I do it?

no it does not