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How do I enter a T5 with foreign income from multiple countries?

I have a single T5 from my broker that includes foreign income from multiple countries. Turbotax only allows me to select one country per T5. Do I need to create separate T5s for each country to enter the foreign income properly? If so do I enter all of the other boxes on one T5, with say the income from the US (the largest source of foreign income), and then leave those boxes empty on the other T5 entries where I fill in just the foreign income (box 15)? 

2 Replies

How do I enter a T5 with foreign income from multiple countries?

Yes, you have to file those separately 

If you have income from more than one country, you need to submit a separate foreign income tax credit form for each country. If you have business income and non-business income from foreign countries, you need to submit them using separate forms.

For more information, please see our TurboTax article link as Canada’s Foreign Income Tax Credit

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How do I enter a T5 with foreign income from multiple countries?

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