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NETFILE is open, why can't I file my taxes??

Why can't I file my taxes? I was able to file my husband taxes, but I can't file mine - what is the delay?? According to Revenue Canada, we should be able to NETFILE, BUT TurboTax isn't letting me. What is going to be done about it and WHEN???

2 Replies

NETFILE is open, why can't I file my taxes??

What is the exact error message that you are getting?


If you are seeing a message about locked files, please see this TurboTax FAQ for more information: Why does TurboTax say my forms are locked or haven't been finalized?

NETFILE is open, why can't I file my taxes??

The forms haven't been finalized because TurboTax didn't get them into the CRA in a timely enough manner...