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Returning Member

Netfile 404 code

I have completed my return and am trying to netfile, but when I click on the CRA Netfile I get an error 404 code... how am I supposed to netfile then?

11 Replies

Netfile 404 code

Are you using TurboTax Desktop or TurboTax Online?

Returning Member

Netfile 404 code

CD and updated today

Netfile 404 code

Do you have any anti-virus or security software that might be blocking TurboTax? 

Returning Member

Netfile 404 code

It never has before 🤷‍♀️ it says the link I’m trying to use doesn’t exist or has changed 🤷‍♀️it won’t let me upload a picture 

Netfile 404 code

Please try reinstalling using the download from our website:


If you are still not able to resolve this issue, please contact our phone support team at 1-888-829-8608.


Returning Member

Netfile 404 code

It says it’s loading but then times out🙄 I’ll try calling. Thanks for your time😊

Returning Member

Netfile 404 code

I spoke with an advisor in the phone and had to go to the forms view and click net file there instead of at the end of the program and it worked😊 thanks for your help.

Netfile 404 code

You're welcome and thank you for the update.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

New Member

Netfile 404 code

Using Turbo Tax download.