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Why is my refile in pending status?

I have tried to refile my 2018 tax return.  It has been in 'pending' status for several weeks.  How do I move it forward and refile?
1 Reply

Why is my refile in pending status?

In order to answer your question, we need to verify certain points first. Please see the TurboTax FAQ links below to see if the pending status can be discontinued.


How can I check on the status of my tax return?


Let's see if the Refile was completed by verifying the next TurboTax FAQ.


I have filed my tax return. Can I still make changes?



If needed, our telephone support agents would be able to help you better as they can view your screen, if necessary, to guide you. To contact us please follow this link: Contact Us form. Once you go through the steps and complete the form, the phone number to speak to a TurboTax agent will appear on the page.


Thank you for your patience.