New Member

Unable to Remove Claim for Ontario senior homeowners’ property tax grant

I am trying to file taxes and i keep getting the message "You have chosen to apply for Ontario senior homeowners' property tax grant but do not meet the age requirement. Please remove your claim.". I have removed the check mark and triple checked it is not selected but i continue to get the message, stoping me from filing.


Clearing a checkbox does NOT remove any info you've already entered for an item or category. To remove the associated info, you need go to the section and field where you've entered the info and delete it there.


To do this, click on Provincial Tab and select "Provincial Tax Credit Profile"

Check the box "Apply for the Ontario Senior Homeowners' Property Tax Grant"

Then, Continue.

When you get to the page where it ask if you are claiming these credits- you can use the drop down arrow to choose your unclaim instead of claim. Then, continue.


If you are still not able to resolve this issue, please contact our phone support team at 1-888-829-8608.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.



I never checked the box to apply for the Ontario senior homeowners' property tax grant because I don't qualify. It keeps telling me to "remove your claim". I never claimed it!


@GlendaVanHarmelen Are you using TurboTax CD/Download or TurboTax Online?

New Member


I have same problem . advice provided does not work 

there is no proviincial tax profile where i can make the suggested change

I am using purchased CD version and i have downloaded up date from internet when suggested

still no good

do I have to physically delete all city taxes I entered on that sheet that asks for it 

that seems to be the source of the problem

previous versions of turbo tex did not create this error message


To find and edit/delete the Ontario Seniors' Home Safety Tax Credit, please follow the steps in our TurboTax FAQ: How do I claim the Ontario Seniors' Home Safety Tax Credit?


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

New Member


i was able to netfile after i completely deleted all entries related to 

city taxes paid for the year. that made the checkbox entry finally disappear and that error message went 

away also 

but now my tax submission looks like I paid no property tax for the year




Once you receive your Notice of Assessment, you will be able to make an adjustment to your return. For more information, please follow our TurboTax article: How to Change Your Tax Return After You’ve Filed.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.