
If you are GST/HST registered and file a GST/HST Return for your business, don’t include GST/HST in any of your amounts on your personal self-employment form. You’ll put the GST/HST earned and incurred on the GST/HST Return itself, and get your ITCs from there. Leave the GST, HST and PST box empty. If you’re not GST/HST registered, then you would include GST/HST on all amounts you enter on your personal self-employment form. In the GST, HST and PST box, you would put any sales tax that you included in your income in the Total Revenue box at the top of the page. 


Thanks for choosing TurboTax 


So I put nothing here even though it says to? This is for turbotax self-employed with a GST numberCapture.PNG


 If you are GST/HST registered and file a GST/HST Return for your business, don’t include GST/HST in any of your amounts on your personal self-employment form. You’ll put the GST/HST earned and incurred on the GST/HST Return itself, and get your ITCs from there. Leave the GST, HST and PST box empty. If you’re not GST/HST registered, then you would include GST/HST on all amounts you enter on your personal self-employment form. In the GST, HST and PST box, you would put any sales tax that you included in your income in the Total Revenue box at the top of the page. 


Thanks for choosing TurboTax 




You have not stated whether or not you are registed and have a GST/HST number. It is not clear if the amount in your form is for GST or for HST, which would make a difference to the calculation. If you are registered, and do not use the quick method, you would report the taxes and ITCs on a GST 34 form. Ignore the GST question on your T2125.


I have indicated above. I am  GST registered. Thank you for the link, but it sends to me to a page not found.


Sorry aaryn. I checked it and it took me right there. Not sure what happened