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How do I report my self employed income from a partnership where we did not split the income 50:50? (But own the partnership 50:50)

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How do I report my self employed income from a partnership where we did not split the income 50:50? (But own the partnership 50:50)

As per Canada Revenue Agency (CRA): Reporting partnership incomeA partnership does not file an income tax return, and is not taxed at the partnership level. All income and losses of a partnership flow through to the partners. They report their share on their income tax returns such as their T1, T2, or T3. This requirement is the same whether their share of income was received in cash or as a credit to the partner's capital account. Therefore, you should report your self-employed income under form T2125 (Statement of Business or Professional Activities) with your share of income deriving from the partnership. 


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