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Amount that can be used as a designated repayment for HBP or LLP is negative. It should be $0. How do I fix this? This is preventing the return from netfiling.

The amount showing is -$80. I have never used the HBP or LLP and I did not enter any information about this when I was filling in the information. The value should be $0. As a result I get an error that $0>-$80 (yes it is) and the designated HBP repayment is too large. However if I try to enter -$80 to resolve this I cannot since the designated HBP repayment must be greater than or equal to $0. I cannot netfile since this is an error. It appears to be a software bug since I did not enter this information. 

5 Replies

Amount that can be used as a designated repayment for HBP or LLP is negative. It should be $0. How do I fix this? This is preventing the return from netfiling.

Similar issue here....

Amount that can be used as a designated repayment for HBP or LLP is negative. It should be $0. How do I fix this? This is preventing the return from netfiling.

If you are still experiencing this problem, please contact our Customer Support team. Please follow the instructions below to reach an agent who can assist you with this.

Amount that can be used as a designated repayment for HBP or LLP is negative. It should be $0. How do I fix this? This is preventing the return from netfiling.

Hi, I am experiencing the same issue here as well.


I have an error that says I have negative balance that I can not remove? I contacted a customer support rep this evening who  attempted to assisted me but we were not able to work out a fix so I may submit my return. Due to this error I am unable to submit my return. Please advise. 

Amount that can be used as a designated repayment for HBP or LLP is negative. It should be $0. How do I fix this? This is preventing the return from netfiling.

I am having what I believe is the same problem. 


It says:


Amount that can be used as designated repayment for HBP and LLP


However, leaving it at 0 produces an error since 0 > -700. Further, entering negative values produces a browser error. 


Further, I have confirmed with the CRA that there is no HBP or LLP. 

Intuit Alumni

Amount that can be used as a designated repayment for HBP or LLP is negative. It should be $0. How do I fix this? This is preventing the return from netfiling.

If you have AFR (Auto Fill My Return) from CRA, then the issue might be that the data transferred from CRA is wrong. you need to go to the data transfer sheet and delete the HBP and LLP and manually enter the correct designated amount. 


If you still have issues after following this process, please contact our support line:


I hope this was helpful