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After clicking "Review" I get an error "This wasn't expected but we're working on it". I tried different browsers, cleared cache and cookies, rebooted but issue persists.

I am using the Self Employed Online Edition.
1 Reply

After clicking "Review" I get an error "This wasn't expected but we're working on it". I tried different browsers, cleared cache and cookies, rebooted but issue persists.

If you are still not able to resolve this issue, please contact our phone support team at 1-888-829-8608.


During tax season (from CRA NETFILE opening (mid-February) to the regular filing deadline (April 30), we're available 7 days a week during these hours:

  • 9 AM to midnight ET for English support
  • 9 AM to 9 PM ET for French support

During the rest of the year (May 1 to mid-February), we're available Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 6 PM ET for English and French support.