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FHSA Deduction Page doesn't let me input zero for difference carried forward and available to be claimed next tax year.

On the FHSA dedution page in Easy Step, I have $16,000 under "Maximum available for 2024" that I want to fully carry over to 2025. However underneath is "If you wish to claim less than the maximum amount above, enter it here. The difference will be carried forward and available to be claimed next tax year" The problem is the box beside it , so I can't carry over the $16,000. It will let me input anything from $.01 to $16,000 just fine however. When will this be fixed?       FHSA 2.jpg    FHSA Summary 1.jpg

1 Reply

FHSA Deduction Page doesn't let me input zero for difference carried forward and available to be claimed next tax year.

We suggest you to contact our product support team by phone

They have access to tools we don't have here in Community, like screenshare, and see the issues to escalate into an investigation, if needed.

Thank you for choosing TurboTax.