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New Member

My intuit account is gone

I'm trying to register my 2024 software.  When I try to sign in as part of the registration steps I am receiving a message "We can't find anyone with <myaccountname>".  Getting the same type of message when I attempt to sign in using my email address.  What happened to my account?  It was working a month ago.

3 Replies

My intuit account is gone

I see you have an active account, If you are still unable to log in we would suggest contacting Product support.


During tax season (February 24th to May 1st), we're available 7 days a week during these hours: 

9 AM to midnight ET for English support 

9 AM to 9 PM ET for French support 

During the rest of the year (May 2nd to February 23rd), we're available Monday through Friday 9 AM to 6 PM ET for English and French support. 

We are closed on the weekends for now. 


Thanks for choosing TurboTax.

New Member

My intuit account is gone

Thanks, I'll call the support number tomorrow.  The active account that you are probably seeing is the one that I had to create a few minutes ago so that I could get logged onto this forum and post my issue.

My intuit account is gone

@oxdrift1 It could be. Yes, please contact product support so they can check if you have any other active accounts.