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Has anyone else had this happen?

Hi folks -

Last tax year, 2022, I carefully filled in my TurboTax Standard tax return and NETFILED.

I found that my Ontario Trillium benefit claim was lost, apparently during filing.  In addition, my rent submission wasn't sent to CRA because the "X" check box had become unchecked, also apparently during filing.  This took some time to detect and correct.


Yesterday (Feb. 21, 2024) I NETFILEd my 2023 return.


Because of the hassle with the 2022 filing, I was EXTRA careful to enter and check my 2023 return.  CRA accepted the return.


Now one day later, this morning, I did ANOTHER double check using the TurboTax Forms feature, and I foun my carefully entered church donation had disappeared.  I refiled to CRA.


I'm not the smartest taxpayer in Canada, but the past two years' problems suggest to me that TurboTax may be losing parts of some returns.




3 Replies

Has anyone else had this happen?

Thank you for the feedback we will need to have this checked by our engineers. 

Has anyone else had this happen?

I'm having problems with trying to refile my 2034 return and TurboTax won't let me. I accidentally checked "yes' when I was asked if it was my first time filing. How can I correct it?

Has anyone else had this happen?

Did you actually file your return already?