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I am ready to netfile my return but I am getting an error message that there is an error in the script. I cannot file. How can i fix this ?

How can I call TurboTax for help ?
10 Replies

I am ready to netfile my return but I am getting an error message that there is an error in the script. I cannot file. How can i fix this ?

If you are filing a couples return, please file the one with less income first. 


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

I am ready to netfile my return but I am getting an error message that there is an error in the script. I cannot file. How can i fix this ?

I had the same thing happen. I was unable to click the agree to terms and netfile. I clicked on the answer 'No', in the box that popped up, until the error message disappeared and at that point was able to click on the agree to terms and netfile. The return when through and I received a confirmation number. A bit of a nuisance but it worked. Hopefully they will fix the software with an update.

I am ready to netfile my return but I am getting an error message that there is an error in the script. I cannot file. How can i fix this ?

It even happens for a single person. The error message is "unable to read the script". Must be a software issue.

I am ready to netfile my return but I am getting an error message that there is an error in the script. I cannot file. How can i fix this ?

@KH1408 Are you using TurboTax Desktop or TurboTax Online?

I am ready to netfile my return but I am getting an error message that there is an error in the script. I cannot file. How can i fix this ?

I'm using Turbo Tax Standard download.  My computer does not have a place for a CD. I've done three tax returns and it happened for all three of them, one single person and one couple.  Once I clicked on 'no' (several times) for a response to the pop up box saying that there was an error as it could not read the script, I was able to click on the "agree and net file". Until that box clears you can't click on "agree and net file". 

I am ready to netfile my return but I am getting an error message that there is an error in the script. I cannot file. How can i fix this ?

I forgot to mention that once I clicked on the "agree and netfile" I did receive a confirmation that the returns were filed. I went into 'My Account' to confirm and there were express notice of assessments showing on the three accounts.

I am ready to netfile my return but I am getting an error message that there is an error in the script. I cannot file. How can i fix this ?

I have been trying all day to file with the CRA and is not working, filing with revenue Quebec worked fine. error.JPG

I am ready to netfile my return but I am getting an error message that there is an error in the script. I cannot file. How can i fix this ?

@kenn9 Please try click Yes a few times until the Netfile Terms page loads.

I am ready to netfile my return but I am getting an error message that there is an error in the script. I cannot file. How can i fix this ?

The errors are now fixed and was able to transmit to the CRA.  Thank you