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New Member

In home office form here there are three fields,GST, HST and exempt. My employer is a GST, HST registrant. How do I fill the form? put the bills sum in both fields ?

and my rent, should I put the sum in the same way ? or that would go as Exempt ? I've not really found how to do this.
18 Replies

In home office form here there are three fields,GST, HST and exempt. My employer is a GST, HST registrant. How do I fill the form? put the bills sum in both fields ?

For expenses in line 22900 - Other employment expenses - you can add the expenses in the field GST and HST. The field exempt are for amount that are exempt of GST and HST. If the exempt field is not related to your situation, you should ignore that Box.


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New Member

In home office form here there are three fields,GST, HST and exempt. My employer is a GST, HST registrant. How do I fill the form? put the bills sum in both fields ?

and rent is exempt ? electricity, internet, gas, water, all should i put in GST and HST for rebate ?

In home office form here there are three fields,GST, HST and exempt. My employer is a GST, HST registrant. How do I fill the form? put the bills sum in both fields ?


Yes, long-term residential rents are exempt from GST/HST. For your other expenses, you would enter them in either the GST or HST column based on what sales tax you paid.

New Member

In home office form here there are three fields,GST, HST and exempt. My employer is a GST, HST registrant. How do I fill the form? put the bills sum in both fields ?

thank you for answer ! 

New Member

In home office form here there are three fields,GST, HST and exempt. My employer is a GST, HST registrant. How do I fill the form? put the bills sum in both fields ?

What if both GST and HST were paid on those expenses such as electricity, internet, etc in province like BC? How do i know which of them to claim it under. Do i claim the total amount for the year by putting that amount both under GST and HST or do i have to choose one? If i have to choose one, does it matter which one i choose?

Thanks in advance for your respons.

In home office form here there are three fields,GST, HST and exempt. My employer is a GST, HST registrant. How do I fill the form? put the bills sum in both fields ?

BC doesn't use HST. That province uses GST & PST. So you would enter any expense where you paid GST & PST in the GST Taxable column.


HST has GST built in, so if you paid HST on an expense, then you would enter it in the HST Taxable column.

In home office form here there are three fields,GST, HST and exempt. My employer is a GST, HST registrant. How do I fill the form? put the bills sum in both fields ?

I'm in Nova Scotia, would i place Electricity/Water and Internet in the GST and HST Column or just one of the columns?

In home office form here there are three fields,GST, HST and exempt. My employer is a GST, HST registrant. How do I fill the form? put the bills sum in both fields ?

@Acer1 You would put it in either the GST or the HST column depending on what tax you paid.


HST has GST built in, so if you paid HST on an expense, then you would enter it in the HST Taxable column.

In home office form here there are three fields,GST, HST and exempt. My employer is a GST, HST registrant. How do I fill the form? put the bills sum in both fields ?

I live in Ontario and I work from home. If I am claiming internet expenses, do I sum up the HST portion and add that to the HST column (and not provide the total amount paid for internet)?