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Locked forms

Hi there, when attempting to file my taxes. I keep getting this error. 

You can't proceed further because one or more of your tax forms is currently unavailable. Please check back later. For more information, visit faq on locked forms


i checked the list of locked forms and don’t use any of them. I already paid for the product so I don’t understand why this would happen. 

my current tax forms are:

t4 / releve 1 

t5 / releve 3 


Releve 22


what is the issue here !!!!


2 Replies

Locked forms

It seems to be an issue on TurboTax's side, even though they keep blaming the CRA. I am in the exact same boat, none of my forms match the listed locked forms, but I'm still getting the same error message. Calling the support line just has a support tech read out the FAQ page out loud and not help at all.

Locked forms

Please verify that none of the forms you are using are locked: TurboTax FAQ: Why does TurboTax say my forms are locked or haven't been finalized? 


If you are not using any locked forms, we suggest you to contact our Product support team. They have access to tools we don't have here in Community, like screenshare, and investigate this issue for you.  


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