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My husband and I purchased a new build home this year. How do we claim the GST credit? I see something about form GST190 but where is this on Turbo tax?

Does this form need to be submitted directly to revenue Canada? I am unsure if we even qualify but paid GST on our home.
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My husband and I purchased a new build home this year. How do we claim the GST credit? I see something about form GST190 but where is this on Turbo tax?

 To claim the GST/HST rebate for homes bought from a builder:

  • Fill out Form GST190 to recover the GST or federal part of the HST.
  • Fill out Form RC7190 ON to recover the provincial part of the HST (if your home is in Ontario). 

To claim the GST/HST rebate for owner-built homes:


For more information, please visit the links below.

TurboTax FAQ: What tax credits or benefits are available to first-time home buyers?

Canada Revenue Agency (CRA): GST/HST New Housing Rebate