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Turbotax 2020 no longer working asks for activation code



I need to access my old 2020 tax return files. When I try to open turbo tax 2020 it goes to the activation screen and asks for the licence code even though it was already activated three years ago to do my taxes initially.


I have found the old disk but the code when input says that it has been used more than the allotted number of times.


How can I get back into Turbo Tax 2020?

2 Replies
New Member

Turbotax 2020 no longer working asks for activation code

I am having this same problem as the previous user...


I can no longer open turbotax files for Tax Years 2023, 2022, and 2021 ON THE SAME COMPUTER that I had used to create them originally. 


Does anyone have an answer of how to reactivate the Turbotax licences from previous years??




Turbotax 2020 no longer working asks for activation code

@bg4 Are you also getting the message that the code has already been used on 3 computers? If so, please contact our phone support team at 1-888-829-8608 as they will be better able to assist you.