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TurboTax 2024 requires CefSharp.BrowserSubprocess. Windows Security complains.


While installing TurboTax 2024 Standard, a Windows Security shown below pops up. It would be nice if TurboTax would first pop up a window with some explanation as to why is this needed and under what circumstances so that people can make an informed decision.


In my case, I pressed the Cancel button, just to be safe not really knowing whether it is part of TurboTax app or not.


What in TurboTax 2024 will not function with this not allowed?


How to enable it after the install if I have not enabled it during the install?







2 Replies

TurboTax 2024 requires CefSharp.BrowserSubprocess. Windows Security complains.

The CefSharpe.BrowserSubProcess is part of a system that TurboTax (and other applications) use to allow the software to connect to the internet. You should allow it, as TurboTax needs to connect to the internet to activate, download updates, NETFILE and for other features.




TurboTax 2024 requires CefSharp.BrowserSubprocess. Windows Security complains.


Thank you for your update but it does not answer my questions.


My point is that for an average user it is not clear that this pop up has anything to do with TurboTax and consequently whether it is safe or not to allow it.


My suggestion is that TurboTax 2024 should warn users during the install and ahead of time that this is required and it should be allowed. I suggest that TurboTax 2024 be updated with such a warning.


How do I allow it after the install if I have not allowed it during the install?