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TurboTax Application Settings

I installed TurboTax 2023 Desktop version from the download file.

When I entered the license code, upon restart an error message appeared that stated "TurboTax application settings were not created properly during the installation."

It then instructed me to run TurboTax in Administrator mode.

In many years of using TurboTax and its predecessors, I have never encountered this message, or any error at all.

I am always suspicious when a program wants administrative privileges.

Is this normal and has anyone encountered this?


5 Replies

TurboTax Application Settings

Different computers have different configurations and settings, so, some users may need to run the software in Administrator mode.

New Member

TurboTax Application Settings

I got it working.  Thank you.

TurboTax Application Settings

Great to hear, happy filling!

New Member

TurboTax Application Settings

How do I get to the administration section

TurboTax Application Settings

To run TurboTax Desktop in Administrator mode, just right click on the icon & select Run as administrator.