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RRSP deduction - TroubleShooting

Hi - Ive been using this for years and I'm noticing that in Line 34 of T1, the RRSP deduction is actually entering my limit vs the actual amount - can you please let me know if I need a fix for this!



21 Replies

RRSP deduction - TroubleShooting

Your RRSP/PRPP deduction limit is the maximum amount of RRSP/PRPP contributions that you are entitled to deduct in a tax year. You can only claim up to the limit, even if the amount that you contributed was higher.

RRSP deduction - TroubleShooting

I have the same issue!

To Moderator:

T1 line 20800 – RRSP deduction from Schedule 7 in error due to

Schedule 7 - Line 4 is added to Line 1 instead of subtracted

Please recode!!!


RRSP deduction - TroubleShooting

I have the same issue!

T1 line 20800 – RRSP deduction from Schedule 7 in error due to

Schedule 7 - Line 4 is added to Line 1 instead of subtracted

Please recode!!!

RRSP deduction - TroubleShooting

@DK180 Are you using TurboTax CD/Download or TurboTax Online?

RRSP deduction - TroubleShooting

This was an online download with code.  Also, I was able to correct this by entering my limit into Schedule 7, rather than on the RRSP receipts, which is where it incorrectly transferred as my RRSP deduction for the year on the T1 + actual contributions.  Anyway, hope that helps to help correct this for others. 

RRSP deduction - TroubleShooting

Premier version CD, if I override any values I may not be able to file on-line via CRA Website but thanks for the tip.

RRSP deduction - TroubleShooting

TurboTax CD - Premier

RRSP deduction - TroubleShooting

Could you clarify if you still need help and what your question is?


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

RRSP deduction - TroubleShooting

Please read the thread. My suggestion was made and the fix that was needed. I don't require any more responses.