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T5 Detail Summary Page - Rounding vs. Displaying Cents


Unless there's a compelling reason why the TurboTax Online T5 Summary page omits the cents entered for each T5 (that summary page rounds up/down to the nearest dollar) I think it would be helpful if instead it displayed the amount precisely, and included the cents.


I received a T5 for 0.48 cents (< for real..) and I can't distinguish in the TurboTax T5 Summary page whether I had entered a value for Box 23 for that T5 entry - because the T5 Summary page shows "$0".

If it showed $0.48 in the T5 Summary page, I'd know I'd entered the amount.

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T5 Detail Summary Page - Rounding vs. Displaying Cents

I assume you mean you have $0.48 in box 13, as box 23 is recipient type and not shown on the T5 summary page. It looks like the $0.48 is being rounded down to zero, similar to how it's being done in this government of Canada document: But the $0.48 is still included on your tax return even if it looks like it's not there. 


I will let the product development team know about this quirk. Thank you for your input.