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Turbotax glitch Reassessment 15k

Hi Inuit. My wife just got a CRA re-assessment which says I owe 15k. After reading your inuit turbotax community support forums. Seems like I am not alone. This is a known glitch. Where Ontario Childcare access and relief CARE calculation is only including my wife's lower income amount in its calculation. My income is not included in the calculation thus making my family income erroneous. The reassessment is for years 2021, 2022, 2023.


Now I know you are going to ask for proof that I have been using your software. I have always purchased desktop versions from staples, Walmart or Costco. My computer is sold and I have a new one now.  


I always save a copy of the pdf version of my filings and always used NETFILE via turbotax.  


Seeking compensation as a result of your tax softer glitch.

1 Reply

Turbotax glitch Reassessment 15k

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