To prepare your tax return in French, go toTurboImpot.caand sign in.
You can use the same sign-in credentials (user ID and password) to sign in to either langua...
The access code will remain the same for each filing period.
Here is link to the Turbotax article about Access code:NETFILE Access Code (NAC) | 2022 TurboTax® ...
Enter her SIN as 000-000-000.Report yourself as Married and do not forget to identify her as a non-resident and ensure you do not apply for the spousal amount....
1- As seen in the image below in line 25700 you have to enter the amount after adding all the amount from line 24400 to line 25600.
2- When you claim and elig...
Line 25700 is the total of all the amounts on lines 24400 to 25600. If there are no entries in those lines, there is no need to enter anything in line 25700.