Yea, that doesn't work.The reason why I was getting flagged as having foreign income is because some box on a T3 was filled out in a way that the government say...
Well, it doesn't really matter anymore. TurboTax can't handle the most basic of cases for a deceased person. A deceased person can not own a principle residence...
Yea, no that doesn't work. There is no information there.I am being flagged as being self employeed because a T3 slip has a value in box 24. I am not self emplo...
Thanks for the pointers on the T slips. It turns out it is coming from a T3 slip.The reason that it was pointed out is because during the review, I got a warnin...
That doesn't work. I got to the end and the review warning says that I have self employment income, which I do not.When I follow your instructions of searching ...